The most successful madams at London escorts

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I don’t think that ladies should use their sex appeal to climb the corporate ladder, says Mina from London escorts. Some women still do it, and I am not sure that they are doing the rest of us girls any favors. The girls that I know who has made it big within business, have not used their sex appeal, they have just been good at their jobs. I am pretty sure that is the best way to go. Not a lot of girls from London escorts are probably ever going to climb the corporate ladder, but I still think they would make good business women.


Thing about it, none of the most successful madams at London escorts services have ever used their sex appeal. You would have thought that they would have done, but it turns out that London escorts madams are different. Most of the girls that have made it big within the London escorts service have all been really hard working. They have come up with new dating ideas, and they have all run their own agencies really well. I am pretty sure that a lot of business ladies would be rather surprised at what has been achieved.


I am not so sure that I would want to be a business woman. Once I leave London escorts, I would like to train to be a beautician or something like that, but I don’t want to work for myself. The Madame who runs our London escorts service is very ambitious but I am not like that. Yes, I can manage to do my job. But after that I just want to have some fun. Most of the girls that I work with at London escorts feel like that. But, there is always the exception to the rule, and I guess that has to be our madams.


Sometimes, I think it would be fun for regular business women to meet London escort madams. I am not sure that any of the madams working for London escort services are dragon material, but I am sure that they could give them a run for their money. Sometimes I think that big business is a bit hyped out, and that some business owners make too much of it. I am sure that they are nice ladies, but not all of them come across that way to me at all.


All of the madams that I have met within the London escorts service, have all been really nice. They have been super friendly, and it has been a bit like working with a friend. The truth is that I rather prefer that kind of working relationship. Some of the dragon ladies come across as a bit jumped up to me, and I am not so sure that I would enjoy working for somebody like that. Here, you always have somebody to talk to, and they speak to you like an equal. I think that makes for a really good working atmosphere, and I would not have it any other way at all.

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